Strategy / Entrepreneurship


Choi, Seong-Jin


■ Education
Ph.D. Guanghua School of Management, Peking (Beijing) University, 2012 (Strategic Management)
M.A. Department of Economics, Seoul National University, 2006
B.A. Department of Economics, Seoul National University, 2004

■ Research Interests
Corporate political strategy, Business-governance relationships, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business in China

■ Personal Website


Lee, Sang Myung


A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.


Lee, Woong Hee


# 연구분야

경영전략 (기업성장전략, 혁신전략, 기업이론)

# 주요미션

- 글로벌 시대의 기업 전략 및 경쟁력의 원천에 관한 연구 및 교육
- 국제적으로 부상하는 비즈니스 모델에 대한 연구 및 교육
- 축적된 글로벌 기업 정보의 DB화
- 국내외 혁신기업들의 전략에 대한 자료수집 및 인터뷰를 통한 동영상 제작 ( )


<Research Interest>

Dr. Byung-Jin (Robert) Park
Associate Professor in Strategic Management
School of Business, Hanyang University
222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04763, Korea
Office: (02) 2220-2792
Fax: (02) 2220-1169

Byung-Jin (Robert) Park is an Associate Professor of Management at School of Business, Hanyang University in Korea. His research interests include coopetition (i.e., simultaneous cooperation and competition), strategic alliance, innovation strategy, and corporate social responsibility, including sustainable management and ESG (environmental, social and governance). After graduating from Korea University Business School, he has 15 years of professional work experience in the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI). He received his Ph.D. in Management from Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) and got his MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona, USA. His publications can be found in Research Policy, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, Tourism Management and many other SSCI journals as well as many Korean Management Journals.

파일 첨부
<Research Interest>

coopetition (i.e., simultaneous cooperation and competition) and strategic alliance; innovation strategy; corporate social responsibility, including sustainable management and ESG (environmental, social and governance).

Google Scholar Citation:
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Gnyawali, D.R. & Park, B.J. (2009). Co‐opetition and Technological Innovation In Small and Medium Enterprises: A Multi‐Level Conceptual Model. Journal of Small Business Management, 47, 3: 308‐330.
Gnyawali, D. R., & Park, B. J. R. (2011). Co-opetition between giants: Collaboration with competitors for technological innovation. Research Policy, 40(5), 650-663.
Park, B. J. R., Srivastava, M. K., & Gnyawali, D. R. (2014). Walking the tight rope of coopetition: Impact of competition and cooperation intensities and balance on firm innovation performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(2), 210-221.
Park, B. J., Srivastava, M. K., & Gnyawali, D. R. (2014). Impact of coopetition in the alliance portfolio and coopetition experience on firm innovation. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 26(8), 893-907.
Kim, D. and Park, B.J.R. (2017) The moderating role of context in the effects of choice attributes on hotel choice: A discrete choice experiment. Tourism Management, 63, pp.439-451.
Kim, D., Hong, S., Park, B. J., & Kim, I. (2020). Understanding heterogeneous preferences of hotel choice attributes: Do customer segments matter?. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 330-337.
Park, B. J., & Kim, D. (2021). Coopetition dynamics between giant entrants and incumbents in a new convergent segment: a case in the smartphone industry. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 29(3), 455-476.
<Coopetition and alliance network>
Park, B. J. (2022). Coopetition Strategy: Research Trends and Future Research Directions(코피티션(Coopetition) 전략의 연구동향과 향후 연구방향). Journal of Strategic Management(전략경영연구), 25(1)
Park et al. (2013) Exploring the Effects of Alliance Networks on Firm’s Innovation Activity Performance(제휴 네트워크에서 기업의 중심성이 혁신 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구), Entrue Journal of Information Technology, 12(1), 7-17.
Lee, J. C., and Park. B.J. (2016). The Effect of the Network Structure Changes and Network Characteristics in the High-Tech Industries on Firm Innovation(국내 첨단산업의 네트워크 구조변화와 네트워크특성이 기업의 혁신성과에 미치는 영향). Journal of Strategic Management(전략경영연구), 19(2), 95-118.
Park & Kim (2013) CJ CheilJedang’s Co-Prosperity Programs Based On Creating Shared Value (CSV) Perspective(공유가치창출(CSV) 관점에서 본   CJ제일제당의 동반성장 추진 사례), Korea Business Review, 17(2)
Park, B.T. & Park, B.J. (2014) A Study on the Creating Shared Value (CSV) Management in Hospital Industry(의료산업에서의 공유가치창출 경영에 관한 연구: 가톨릭중앙의료원 사례를 중심으로), Korean Journal of Business Administration (대한경영학회지), 27(9), 1405-1424.
Park, B. J. & Yoo, S.K. (2017). Patagonia, the Case of Combination of Business Value Chain and Corporate Social Responsibility(파타고니아, 비즈니스 가치사슬과 CSR의 결합사례), Korean Corporate Management Review(기업경영연구), 74, 31-57.
Park, B. J. & Yoo, S.K. (2017). Bear Better: A Social Enterprise Utilizing Business Model Innovation and Partnership(베어베터: 비즈니스 모델 혁신과 파트너십을 활용한 사회적 기업), Korea Business Review, 21(2), 1-31.
Park, B. J. & Yoo, S.K. (2016). A Comparative Study on Strategic CSR Cases Utilizing the Core Competence of Global and Korean Food Companies(국내외 식품기업의 핵심역량을 활용한 전략적 CSR 사례 비교연구). Korean Corporate Management Review(기업경영연구), 68, 75-104. <KCI>
박병진 외 (2021) 전략적 CSR이 CSR 진정성 인식과 구매의도에 미치는 영향, 기업경영연구, 28(1), 113-130.
<SMEs/Start Up>
Park, B.J., Cho, S.J. & Lee, S.M. (2014). Lean Startup': The Way to Reduce the Failure Rate of Startups(‘린 스타트업’ : 창업 초기기업의 실패 최소화 전략). Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship (벤처창업연구), 9(4), 41-53.
Jin, J.H. and Park, B.J. (2014) The Impact of Role Model Exposure on Entrepreneurial Intention(역할모델 노출이 청년 창업의도에 미치는 영향: 창업태도, 주관적 규범, 자기 효능감의 매개효과를 중심으로), Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business(중소기업연구), 36(4), 101-123. <KCI>
Park, B.J. & (2019) The Effect of Partner Type and Technological Intensity on Innovation in SMEs(중소기업의 파트너 유형 및 기술집약도가 기업 혁신성과에 미치는 영향), Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business(중소기업연구), 41(3): 1-22.
<International Strategy>
Park, B. J. & Park, S. I. (2017). The Effects of Board Activity on Board Effectiveness in International Joint Ventures: The Mediating Role of Justice(국제합작투자 이사회 활동이 이사회 효과성에 미치는 영향: 공정성의 매개역할을 중심으로), Korean Journal of Business Administration(대한경영학회지), 30(10), 1879-1906.
Park, B.J. & Takam, M.J.(2015) Entry Strategy of Korean Construction SMEs in the African Market, International Business Review(국제경영리뷰), 19(3), 57-85.
A list of all papers is available on CV.

주소: 서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222, 한양대학교 경영관 1층 114호
Tel: 02-2220-1079


Ji-Hoon Park is an assistant professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship in the School of Business at Hanyang University.

He completed his Ph.D. in Management Engineering (Organization and Strategy) from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and B.S. in Engineering (Computer Science and Industrial System Engineering) from Yonsei University.

His research interests include technology innovation management, entrepreneurship, and strategy. His work appears in peer-reviewed journals including the Research Policy, Technovation, Asian Business & Management, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, and Asian Journal of Technology Innovation.

Teaching Areas
Strategic Management

Research Interests
Open Innovation
Social Entrepreneurship

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